
SalterEditing offers editing services for papers, proposals, reports, manuals, books, and even letters. Our rates vary based on the depth of service required, but quality reigns supreme with each comma and every word. Editing involves a number of activities. A technical review corrects errors. Misspellings and subject-verb disagreements are among issues in this category. Style editing standardizes a text according to a particular style (e.g., MLA or Chicago Manual of Style). Correlation or parallel editing compares parts of a text with other related sections. Substantive editing involves word choice, idea development, and overall structure and organization. SalterEditing provides all editing services at prices that are among the most affordable in the industry. We invite you to explore our website to discover how we can support you with your editing needs.

Anyone who grew up with Green Eggs and Ham knows that Dr. Seuss breathed wisdom in his works. He even commented on editing:

                It has often been said
                there's so much to be read,
                you never can cram
                all those words in your head.
                So the writer who breeds
                more words than he needs
                is making a chore
                for the reader who reads.
                That's why my belief is
                the briefer the brief is,
                the greater the sigh
                of the reader's relief is.

At SalterEditing we agree heartily with Dr. Seuss. Too many words can crush a reader's interest. We rewrite, restate, and rephrase until the result flows perfectly from page to mind. Mark Twain said, "The difference between the right word and the nearly right word is the same as the difference between lightning and the lightning bug." At SalterEditing, the right word is our guarantee. 


Tip #003: Ending Quotation Marks with Other Punctuation

08/06/2013 06:52
SalterEditing is an American firm. Most of our clients are based in the U.S. That is important regarding the rule for placing punctuation either inside or outside an ending quotation mark. Britons and Americans differ on this point. In Britain, the position of other punctuation relative to the...

Tip #002: Spaces after periods

08/06/2016 13:08
Do you put one space after a period or two? Seems like the English-writing population is divided on the subject. But they shouldn't be. Since early in the 20th century, typographers world-wide settled on one space after the period at the end of a sentence, and today no modern typographers double...

Tip #001: The Oxford (or Serial) Comma

08/06/2016 10:36
  Use commas between all items in a series, including before the coordinating conjunction. Example: The restaurant serves water, coffee, tea, soft drinks, beer, and wine. The last comma in the series right before the coordinating conjunction is called the Oxford or serial comma....