Article archive

Tip #002: Spaces after periods

08/06/2016 13:08
Do you put one space after a period or two? Seems like the English-writing population is divided on the subject. But they shouldn't be. Since early in the 20th century, typographers world-wide settled on one space after the period at the end of a sentence, and today no modern typographers double...

Tip #001: The Oxford (or Serial) Comma

08/06/2016 10:36
  Use commas between all items in a series, including before the coordinating conjunction. Example: The restaurant serves water, coffee, tea, soft drinks, beer, and wine. The last comma in the series right before the coordinating conjunction is called the Oxford or serial comma....

Tip #003: Ending Quotation Marks with Other Punctuation

08/06/2013 06:52
SalterEditing is an American firm. Most of our clients are based in the U.S. That is important regarding the rule for placing punctuation either inside or outside an ending quotation mark. Britons and Americans differ on this point. In Britain, the position of other punctuation relative to the...
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